Jonathan is a professional engineer with a passion for all things maritime electronics. He founded Acutec Systems in 2004 and continues to lead the teams in Europe and Australia, delivering communications, entertainment and IT solutions for vessel operators.
Argentinian Sailing Ship Uses VSAT For Weather Routing

Argentine sail training ship ARA LIBERTAD routinely uses its high speed internet VSAT connection to assist with weather routing. The ships Sea Tel 4006 VSAT provides critical communications and with the assistance of the US NAVY is used to acquire real-time meteorological data at sea.
ACUTEC recently supplied internet service for the ship as part of a long term arrangement with the ships communications provider Innovative Satellite Solutions. ACUTEC partner Sea Mobile provides a broadband internet service to the vessel via its high quality multi regional Ku band maritime VSAT network.
Communications officer Lt Marcelo Saenz said that the VSAT is the ships primary bearer and has proved itself to be very reliable and easy to use since installation last year. Access to timely meteorological information via the broadband connection is invaluable when it comes to maintaining schedules and routing the ship safely.
Launched in 1953, ARA LIBERTAD is currently in Sydney, Australia and will depart for Wellington, New Zealand next week.
For more information, please go to, contact or call +61 2 8206 9578.
For more information on Innovative Satellite Solutions products and services go to Or for more information on Sea Mobile products and services see
ACUTEC is a member of the global network of Sea Tel agents. Specialists in maritime satellite services, we offer a range of hardware, airtime and maintenance support services for the super-yacht, offshore, government and commercial maritime industries. For more information, please go to, contact or call +61 2 9045 9300.